Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Things a "Bride-to-be" Has to Be Thankful For.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we've put together a little list to help you reflect on this stage of your life and all you have to be thankful for.  Some are silly and some are serious- but, hey, it's the little things, right?

  1. Your fiance: Be thankful for this time you have together before being married.  Enjoy planning with him and the anticipation of being his wife.
  2. Your bridesmaids:  Be thankful for the extra girl time.  Planning a wedding means you have an excuse to go shopping on Black Friday with your girlfriends for some honeymoon duds.
  3. The internet: Be thankful that you have a resource that brides 20 years ago didn’t have.  It may seem frivolous, but time is precious, and thanks to the internet, you have more of it.
  4. The “Country Chic” phenomena: You no longer have to get married in a ballroom or in a church.  You have the wide open spaces at your disposal- and everyone will be in awe of the simple romance of it.
  5. That “white-white” is “out”: Very few people can rock stark white.  In the 1900’s (doesn’t that sound so funny?!), it was pretty risque to wear off white.  Thus, we had fair skinned girls stuck in a shade nearing neon on their wedding day.  These days, you can choose a warmer shade of ivory, or even champagne, to walk down the aisle in and everyone will marvel at your beautifully fair complexion.
  6. Pretty Shoes:  Brides have so many more options to adorn their toots with than brides of the past.  You have more than dye-ables at your disposal.  Wear color or bling or a pair of sophisticated flats- the options are endless.
  7. Your Mom:  Even if she’s not super-involved, just be thankful that you have someone that loves you who is there when you’re ready to pull your hair out.  Mom’s are an amazing source of support when planning a wedding.
  8. Advances in Photography:  Be thankful that today’s photographers do more than take some formal shots in front of the altar.  They can edit like crazy with high-tech software and get shots that you actually want to keep on your wall forever.  By hiring a photographer in today's bridal industry, you’re basically commissioning a work of art.
  9. The anticipation: Be thankful for the butterflies you get when thinking about being married.  Once you’re married, the excitement will eventually settle.  But, for now, enjoy being able to be openly excited with everyone you talk to.  It’s acceptable to talk about yourself (well, your wedding) almost 24-7 because people get it.  They get that this is a huge step you’re about to take and that the process of planning, while stressful, is invigorating, and talking about the planning is like therapy.
  10. Being in Love: Be thankful that you’ve found someone who loves you, thinks your beautiful, wants to spend the rest of his life with you and would do anything just to be close to you for a second.  Not everyone gets it for real.  You do.  You're one lucky lady ;)

Have a wonderfully fabulous Thanksgiving!!

The K&B Team

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